
Zoltán Balog from Fidesz may be behind the clemency decision that brought Novák’s downfall

Zoltán Balog, former minister of human resources and head of the Hungarian Reformed Church, played an important role in the pardon case leading to the resignation of Katalin Novák

All this is stated by referring to several sources close to the government and the office of the President of the Republic. Direct36.

According to the newspaper, Novák’s entourage has long complained about Balog’s excessive influence in the Sándor Palace. Officially, he is only a member of the advisory board of the President of the Republic, but according to the cited sources, the Reformed bishop had an influence on the decisions of the President far beyond his formal position.

According to the article, it is not clear why Endre K.’s pardon was important to Zoltán Balog.

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