
86 thousand street vendors benefit from legal and social supervision and monitoring programs – Today 24

Riad Mazur, Minister of Industry and Trade, revealed that 86,000 street vendors benefit from training programs and legal and social support, out of 126,000 street vendors who were counted in total.
Mazur said, during the oral questions session in the House of Representatives, today, Monday, that this approach depends on keeping up, organizing, and then training, as it is based on providing a legal cover that protects the street vendor, by attracting them within the framework of self-contractors, revealing that this framework provides them with “legal and social protection.” “.
The minister added that this category plays a major role, as it employs 250,000 male and female citizens, most of whom are over forty years old. He stressed, in the same context, that his ministry is working to train them and empower them with the skills of being open to selling products electronically, and sensitizing them to adopt good quality products. .
The same spokesman stressed that street vendors who were recruited and integrated into self-employment benefit from social protection programmes, pointing out the need for the combined efforts of elected officials, authorities and actors in order to find creative solutions to attract this broad group, through mobilization and awareness-raising so that they can practice their profession with honor.

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