
A psychologist told us what a holiday should be like during the New Year holidays


12/30/2023 07:03

Psychologist and specialist of the “Profi” service Irina Andrievskaya told how to avoid stress during preparation for New Year’s holidays and during them.

The expert advised to look for inspiration in preparation for the New Year, and not kill yourself, trying to redo all possible things. You need to try to create a festive mood for yourself, looking forward to a pleasant time during the New Year holidays, writes Gazeta.Ru.

During the New Year holidays, it is very important to devote time not only to holiday activities, but also to your health. You need to find time for your usual rituals and try to maintain a normal sleep schedule, so as not to feel “strained” later.

And during the New Year holidays you need to do what you want. If you want to be active, you should visit exhibitions and attend the most fun parties. If, after a busy December at work, you no longer want to see anyone, you should go out of town and enjoy unity with nature while reading books.

“Try yourself in something new: yoga, drawing, dancing. Long holidays are an opportunity to do something that you have long dreamed of, but never found the time,” Andrievskaya added.

Specialist Litvinov Alexander

She is engaged in individual psychoanalytically-oriented (psychodynamic) psychotherapy, psychoendocrinology, diagnosis and treatment of anxiety-phobic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, reaction to severe stress, adaptation disorders, somatoform disorders, somatization disorders, social phobias, panic, anxiety and depressive disorders.

Specialist Shipilova Maria

Receives patients and provides psychological consultations.

Specialist Zen Anastasia

Conducts identification of psychological disorders, psychocorrection of unwanted behavior; planning individual correction programs; clinical and psychological diagnostics and neuropsychological correction of early and preschool children with autism spectrum disorder, mental retardation disorder, disability, disability.

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