
A very tasty no-bake cake is prepared quickly: it is eaten to the last crumb.


12/30/2023 07:03

The website shared a simple recipe for a no-bake cake. It is made from common ingredients that are easy to buy in the supermarket.

You will need sour cream (20-30% fat or alternatively heavy cream or mascarpone), sweet crackers (or shortbread), water, sugar (or sweetener), egg yolk.


1. In a glass, dilute instant gelatin in 100 ml of cold water and leave for 10-15 minutes to swell.

2. Mix sour cream with sugar (or sweetener), add vanilla sugar or vanilla, let the mixture stand to dissolve the sugar crystals.

4. Heat the swollen gelatin in a saucepan over low heat until it is completely dissolved. Don’t forget to stir.

5. Pour the hot gelatin solution into the sour cream, stirring thoroughly.

6. Select a deep cake pan, cover it with film and pour in a small amount of sour cream.

7. Place a layer of crackers, adding berries or chocolate if desired.

8. Alternate layers of sour cream and cracker until finished. The last layer should be a thick cream that completely covers the cookies.

9. Let the cake harden in the refrigerator (2-3 hours or preferably overnight). Turn the cake over onto a flat plate and decorate to your liking (chocolate, nuts, fruit, confiture).

No bake cake

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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