
Csaba Dömötör revealed how popular the national consultation on the protection of sovereignty is

According to him, the number of people participating in the consultation has already exceeded one million.

MTI/Tamás Kovács

The number of participants in the national consultation exceeded one million, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office told MTI on Friday.

According to Csaba Dömötör, well before the end of the deadline, 1,14,000 people had already expressed their opinions in the sovereignty protection consultation. This also shows that many people want to take a stand on Ukraine’s EU membership and financing, the state secretary wrote, adding that the issue is particularly relevant because budget issues will be on the agenda again at the EU summit early next year.

There is a lot of pressure on Hungary to contribute to Ukraine’s additional support of many tens of billions of euros

he added.

He emphasized that, in addition to these questions, everyone can express their opinion on the new EU migration package and on the demands and proposals from Brussels that would limit the Hungarian economy’s room for maneuver. The questions can be answered until January 10.

In accordance with previous experience, most questionnaires are returned by post, 86 percent of the participants in the consultation chose this method of response – explained the state secretary, who also thanked the participants in the consultation and those who will give their opinions on behalf of the government.

If many of us stand up for the country’s sovereignty and our position, it will matter a lot in the debates of the coming months

– reads the announcement.

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