
A restaurant in Kazan denies its involvement in the possible poisoning of the presenter


20.11.2023 20:01

The Golden Cherry restaurant in Kazan claims that they are not involved in the poisoning of the Ak Bars Show presenter. Margarita Jurgenson. Representatives of the establishment provided an appropriate response to Inkazan’s request.

“She couldn’t have been poisoned in our establishment.” The interlocutor also said that all the dishes that the presenter tried were subjected to heat treatment, so she could not get sick from eating from Golden Cherry,” said the catering administrator.

A restaurant representative suggested that Jurgenson could have eaten elsewhere and gotten poisoned there. However, specialists and catering staff already understand this issue.

“We are also in touch with her,” the administrator said.

Earlier, the presenter of “Ak Bars Show” said on her account on one of the social networks that she was not present at the green derby on November 18 due to severe poisoning. Jurgenson stated that all the symptoms appeared 40 minutes after she ate at Golden Cherry.

Author Teymur Zeynalpur

Teymur Zeynalpur is a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru, a 2nd year student at the Russian State University. A.N. Kosygina

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