
A sexologist explains why men prefer masturbation to sex

Sexologist Vasily Shevlyakov shared his opinion on the possible reasons for this phenomenon.

The girl complained that recently her partner often resorts to masturbation, which affects the frequency of intimate relationships. The sexologist noted that masturbation in couples or among single people is normal, but can become a problem if it replaces natural sexual activity.

The specialist identified several common reasons why men may prefer masturbation:

  • Sexual release and privacy: Masturbation becomes for a man a way of sexual relaxation and quality rest, especially if this was enshrined in the parent-child relationship.
  • Anti-anxiety event: Masturbation can be a way to relieve psycho-emotional stress and relax. This is especially true if a man uses it as a means of self-soothing during frequent anxiety states.
  • Dissatisfaction with sex life: Masturbation can be a choice when a couple’s sex life is unsatisfying. In such cases, sex is perceived as an obligation, and masturbation becomes the path of least resistance.

The sexologist emphasized that it is important to discuss these issues in an open conversation with your partner in order to understand the reasons for his preferences and find mutual understanding in the relationship.

HUSBAND or GUY MASTURBATES! Why and how to react? Commentary from a sexologist.

Author Daniil Polonikov

Daniil Sergeevich Polonikov (December 19, 2003, Ivanovo) – student at the Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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