
Actors from Ukraine demanded to be cast in Western films

Actors from Ukraine demanded to be cast in Western films


09/17/2023 08:40

The Ukrainian Film Association has officially submitted a petition to the management of the Cannes Film Festival, proposing to make Ukrainians the heroes of both the first and second plan in all future films. A petition posted on the website of civil initiatives calls for actors to be given Ukraine key or supporting roles in film projects.

The main motivation for this step is considered to be the desire to attract the attention of a global audience to the situation in Ukraine, which, according to the authors of the petition, often remains insufficiently covered.

The authors of the petition also emphasize that Ukrainians constantly face violations of their rights. Therefore, they want to equate them with representatives of other racial groups, with people with disabilities, as well as with representatives of the LGBT community, and include them in absolutely every feed. It is assumed that this approach can lead to increased interest in films from viewers.

However, this initiative did not receive widespread support, since at the time of the latest data, only 57 people signed the petition. The prospects of the document also remain questionable, since the Cannes Film Festival does not set a strict framework with the mandatory presentation of representatives of disadvantaged minorities.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Sergey Kargashin

Sergey Kargashin – journalist, poet, presenter of Pravda.Ru video broadcasts

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