
After Nebenzi’s speech at the UN Security Council, the Kremlin’s plans for Ukraine became clear

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya promised the West and Ukraine “the worst news” in the near future. For the Russian Federation, this means a quick victorious end to the Northern Military District.

“Brave Ukrainians” deploy air defense in residential areas

Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vasily Nebenzya spoke at a meeting of the UN Security Council on December 29.

The meeting was convened by the United States at the request of Ukraine and was intended to discuss massive blow Russian Aerospace Forces on December 29 at supposedly civilian targets throughout Ukraine.

As usual, Western delegations and their satellites like Albania condemned Russia “for the deaths of civilians,” and the senior political adviser at the US Mission to the UN John Kelly promised that his country “will not abandon the brave Ukrainians who are fighting for their freedom, their country, and for the values ​​and principles specified in the UN Charter.”

In his response, Nebenzya noted that the Russian Federation does not bomb civilians, and the cause of the casualties was the inadequate operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ air defense systems located in residential areas.

“If it weren’t for the work of the Ukrainian air defense, there would be no casualties among civilians. Therefore, we would advise you to beware of British statements about the supply of 100 more air defense missiles to Kiev, the use of which kills civilians,” Nebenzya said.

“Expect the worst news”

The Russian diplomat told opponents that the military plans of the Kyiv regime had suffered a “total fiasco” and promised “the worst news in the very near future” for the West and its “Ukrainian proxies.”

According to Nebenzi, “nothing threatens peaceful Ukrainians, the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian culture, no matter how much and no matter how much the West tries to prove the opposite.” And Moscow’s task is to prevent the Kyiv regime from destroying its people, whom the government is “forcibly forcing to fight for a corrupt and anti-people power.”

The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation emphasized that “the threat posed by NATO countries emanating from the territory of Ukraine will certainly be eliminated either through a special military operation or using political and diplomatic instruments.”

The Russian Federation will almost complete the SVO in 2024

Behind Nebenzi’s position is the confidence that the Russian Federation felt in 2023 on the battlefield and in the rear. An important victory was won – the liberation of Marinka, as the front line was moved further from Donetsk. And in Ukraine there is panic because of the upcoming difficult winter and defeats at the front caused by non-sovereign, incompetent leadership and a lack of human and other resources.

Ukrainian Telegram channel “Legitimate” predicts that in 2024 there will be a turning point in the consciousness of Ukrainian society – Russia will no longer be perceived as an absolute “evil, enemy,” etc., and in the southeast “hidden support for the Russian Federation will even increase.”

Political scientist Andrey Suzdaltsev Telegram predicts that in 2024 “it will be hot on the battlefield until August, but by autumn there is a 50% chance that the SVO may end.”

Judging by the opinion Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev that Russian cities are Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Nikolaev, Kyiv, Russia will achieve more than just access to its borders in new territories. Medvedev points out that “negotiations” with the enemy are in no way limited by time – they can be conducted “right up to the complete defeat and surrender of the Bandera troops of the North Atlantic Alliance.”

Knowledgeable sources They report that these words of Medvedev about the prospects for continuing the Ukrainian war “generally correspond to the vision of the Kremlin, the Security Council and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.” The opportunity to conclude peace has been lost, and we can expect that the NWO will last at least another year until Russia gets its way.

Medvedev’s list for the liberation of cities, as you can see, begins with Odessa.

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