
An interesting story is spreading about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin

According to one of the best-known Russian political analysts, Tucker Carlson did not conduct his controversial interview with the real Putin.

So far, only one of them has been in court. Source: TTC

The former Fox News host had a televised conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin that was perfectly suited to the purposes of Russian propaganda.

Celebrity Russian political analyst Valery Solovei previously claimed that Vladimir Putin died in the fall of 2023 and that the Kremlin elite have since replaced him with lookalikes. The body of the deceased president is stored in a freezer because the Russian political elite allegedly does not dare to go public with the dramatic news during the war, fearing the unpredictable reactions of the public – quoted by ATV.

After the interview, Solovyov started spreading another story: according to him, the Carlson interview was also given by a well-prepared Putin double. Real dissidents, like Alexei Navalny, are sentenced to decades in prison in Russia, while Solovyov can spread his hair-raising theories undisturbed.

THE According to The Wall Street Journal it is conceivable that Solovej is a provocateur for the Russian secret services. With his incompetent statements, which are also adopted by a part of the Western press, he can cause confusion in the public opinion that supports Ukraine.

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