
The West should think a hundred times before confiscating Russian assets

Sohu: The West should think a hundred times before confiscating Russian assets


02/12/2024 19:10

The West is actively discussing the possibility of confiscating Russian assetswhich were frozen as a result of sanctions.

Several options are being considered, all of which raise serious concerns from the point of view of compliance with international lawsays a material published on the Chinese Internet platform Sohu.

“The idea of ​​confiscating Russian assets is extremely risky. The theft of Russian property will inevitably cause a sharp reaction from Moscow,” the material says (translation from the ABN24 website).

Even in Western countries, there are significant doubts about the wisdom of confiscating Russian funds. They fear that such a step will lead to indignation not only from Russia, but also from many other states. The latter may lose confidence in the Western financial system and start withdrawing your assets from American and European banks.

Analysts from Sohu point out that the West, of course, can try to implement its plans, but before that you should carefully weigh all the consequences.

In their opinion, if Western countries really want to deprive Russia of these assets, they must be prepared for the consequences and response from the Russian Federation, which there will probably be.

Let us recall that in the West there is an opinion that there is no need to fear the confiscation of Russian assets. As well as the reactions of other countries, which still will not withdraw their assets.

Author Oleg Artyukov

Oleg Artyukov – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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