
Anti-fascists in Israel demanded the extradition of ex-SS soldier Gunko from Canada

Israeli anti-fascists called on the country’s authorities to demand from Canada the extradition of former SS man Gunko


02/13/2024 16:23

Leader of the Israeli Anti-Fascist Movement Dmitry Trapirov during an interview with RIA Novosti, he emphasized the importance of Tel Aviv following the example of Moscow and demanding the extradition of the former SS man from Ottawa Yaroslava Gunkowho was previously honored by the Canadian Parliament.

“Israel should not remain a country that does not demand the extradition of a former SS man whose hands are bloodied with Soviet blood, including Jewish blood. Russia requested the extradition of such a criminal, and we are proud of this act,” the anti-fascist emphasized.

He expressed the hope that his country would no longer justify and hide Nazis, although before that they were often caught and brought to Israel for a fair trial.

Ottawa refused to extradite former SS man Yaroslav Gunko to Moscow. Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau limited himself to apologizing for the “terrible mistake.”

A criminal case has been opened against Gunko in Russia under the article on actions aimed at the complete destruction of an ethnic group.

Author Olga Ivanova

Olga Ivanova – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Oleg Artyukov

Oleg Artyukov – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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