
Arrests following the kidnapping of a person against the backdrop of settling scores between immigration networks in Nador – Today 24

A joint operation between members of the judicial police in the cities of Fez and Nador, yesterday evening, Sunday, resulted in the arrest of three people with criminal records, between the ages of 35 and 41, on suspicion of their involvement in cases related to kidnapping, detention, demanding ransom, organizing illegal immigration, and human trafficking.

The police services in the city of Fez, according to a report, had opened a judicial investigation against the background of a report about a person with a criminal record being kidnapped and detained in the city of Nador, for reasons and backgrounds that research is currently working to determine, as his kidnappers demanded a financial ransom to release him, before field coordination between The security services in Fez and Nador were unable to identify the three suspects, and they were arrested in the cities of Nador and Beni Ansar.

Continuing research and investigations into this case have shown, the same source added, that the suspects had released the victim before their arrest, in addition to that they were in the process of preparing to carry out an illegal immigration operation for the benefit of 22 irregular immigration candidates, including two girls and a minor, who were caught inside. A house in Nador.

Suspects and candidates for illegal immigration have been subjected to judicial investigation supervised by the competent Public Prosecution, in order to uncover all the circumstances and circumstances of this case, especially revealing the true backgrounds behind the kidnapping and detention process, which is likely to be related to settling scores between networks organizing illegal immigration. .

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