
ATA: Russian citizens prefer Belarus and Asian countries for the New Year


07.12.2023 08:55

Vice-President of the Alliance of Travel Agencies (ATA) of Russia Alexander Mkrtchyan shared information about the most popular holiday destinations among Russian tourists on the eve of the New Year holidays. He noted that Belarus, as well as countries such as Armenia, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Uzbekistan, have become especially popular.

In a conversation with the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, the specialist said that among more distant destinations, the UAE and Thailand are in demand. Mkrtchyan added that due to the current conflict in the Middle East, Egypt lost to Turkey.

The expert expressed the opinion that if the conflict in the Middle East gradually subsides, Egypt will be able to return to the number of main destinations for Russian tourists.

“If the conflict begins to fade away little by little, the Russians will return to Egypt, and Egypt will firmly enter the top three, as was usual,” he concluded.

Earlier it was reported that Russians en masse leaving Turkey due to high prices.

Belarus. What to do in Minsk for New Year and Christmas?

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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