
Azerbaijan denied information about the supply of ammunition to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan has issued a refutation of information about the transfer of mines to Ukraine


03/25/2024 08:31

The Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan has denied information about the alleged supply of artillery mines to Ukraine. The department issued a corresponding refutation on its social media accounts.

Previously, Armenian military expert Vladimir Pogosyan distributed documents from the Kyiv court dated November 2023 on his Telegram channel. These materials mentioned the supply of 82-mm mines by an Azerbaijani company to the territory of Ukraine.

However, the Azerbaijani defense department categorically rejected such allegations. According to them, the disseminated information is complete misinformation and fiction. They pointed out that attempts to spread false news of this kind in Armenian Telegram channels have already been made previously.

The Ministry assured that there are no grounds for the accusations against Azerbaijan. Accordingly, this information is not trustworthy. It was emphasized that Azerbaijan did not send any military products in the indicated direction.

Author Vladimir Antonov

Vladimir Antonov – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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