
caves, tea plantations and unforgettable experiences


12/30/2023 12:49

Malaysia, a country with rich nature and amazing cultural treasures, offers unique adventures for tourists. Mulu National Park in Sarawak, home to the Deer Cave, the second largest in the world, is impressive with its scale and unique architecture, reminiscent of the profile of Abraham Lincoln.

Exploring the Nia Caves in Miri reveals the secrets of ancient civilizations with artefacts and a Paleolithic skull over 40,000 years old. The Wind and Fairy caves in the city of Bau are impressive with their complex structure, reminiscent of a honeycomb.

With its cool green hills and endless tea plantations, the Cameron Highlands are a true tea paradise. A visit to the tea plantation in Cameron Highlands, included in the Classic Malaysia tour, provides a unique opportunity to enjoy aromatic tea, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

As you make your way through Malaysia, don’t forget about these amazing places where nature and culture intertwine to create unique experiences.

Author Daniil Polonikov

Daniil Sergeevich Polonikov (December 19, 2003, Ivanovo) – student at the Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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