
CHEMK factories will be nationalized at the request of the Prosecutor General’s Office

First steps towards nationalization. In connection with the privatization, which was declared illegal, the Prosecutor General’s Office demanded that the ChEMK production complex be returned to state ownership.


02/13/2024 11:47

Three plants of the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant (CHEMK), one of the largest heavy industry enterprises in the Ural region, were privatized in the 1990s. at significantly reduced prices that did not correspond to the cost of state property, writes Kommersant.

The Prosecutor General’s Office saw in the decision of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee, which approved the decision on privatization, signs of a crime under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Excess of authority”. There may be a corruption component in the case of the privatization of CHEMK.

The Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant supplies ferroalloys for the needs of the military-industrial complex. It was in this connection that the question of a change of owner and the legality of the privatization of the enterprise arose.

The owners of the plant (CHEMK group) insist that their plants are not part of the military-industrial complex, since they supply products not directly to the Ministry of Defense, but to other metallurgical plants that manufacture products for both military and civilian purposes.

The decision of the Prosecutor General’s Office regarding CHEMK may become a legal precedent for the revision of other decisions on the privatization of key industrial facilities in the Russian Federation.

The ChEMK group states that the plants in question are not part of the military-industrial complex, but supply ferroalloys to metallurgical enterprises,

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