
cyber expert Kurochkin called its danger

A neural network has been developed in the Russian Federation to combat scammers: cyber expert Kurochkin called its danger


02/13/2024 10:41

Scientists from the Russian Federation have developed neural network, which can quickly identify messages from scammers. The program uses artificial intelligence to take snapshots of the working window every 15 seconds, analyzes notifications and texts, warning the user about a possible threat. A cybersecurity expert spoke about how effective this technology is Alexey Kurochkin in a conversation with Channel 360.

The specialist believes that the developed scheme can be effective if information about new species fraud will be constantly updated.

There may be a problem with the screenshots that the program will take every 15 seconds, as users sometimes disable the message display feature.

In addition, Kurochkin expressed concerns about data privacy. The program may accidentally collect and store user personal information, including passwords and data from messages from banks.

Finally, the expert expressed doubts about the advisability of using such a program, given the potential risks and disadvantages.

“Of course, no one will install a program that will constantly screenshot the screen. It’s kind of futuristic, to be honest,” concluded Kurochkin.

Polytechnic University created a neural network to combat fraudsters

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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