
Deadly rally race: The little girl who was seriously injured in the accident also died

The little girl injured in Sunday’s rally accident has died – the former president of the Hungarian National Motorsport Association, Oláh Gyárfás, announced the funeral news.

On Sunday, an accident occurred in the Esztergom-Nyerges Rally between Lábatlan and Bajot in the early afternoon. A Skoda Fabia R5 rally car drifted off the track and crashed into the spectators. Four people died in the accident and many were injured. The little girl injured in the accident also died on Tuesday, bringing the death toll to five.

We stand bewildered and in mourning before Sunday’s victims! We haven’t even realized what happened!

We prayed for a little girl for whom the doctors have been fighting for days, unfortunately without success. He gave up the fight this morning! It is an immeasurable grief, but at the same time, listening to the statements, we feel anger, we are trying to get answers to why and how. There are no words! As a father, as a sports manager, my heart breaks, we share the grief of the relatives!

Zoltán Szujó, the president of the Hungarian National Autosport Association, told Hír TV Radar about what happened that

the tragedy happened in an area closed to spectators, and the fans stood where they shouldn’t have, despite repeated warnings.

The police are investigating the circumstances of the accident in criminal proceedings, the Komárom-Esztergom County Police Headquarters told MTI earlier.

Proceedings are being conducted against an unknown suspect on suspicion of committing the offense of reckless endangerment in the course of employment, causing a fatal mass accident.

– they let me know.

According to the information, at kilometer 6 between Lábatlan and Bajot, one of the racing cars veered off the designated road section and drove into the asphalted road and into the grassy area along the road. The accident occurred in an area closed to spectators, and a sign warned against staying there. The race was interrupted due to the accident.

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