
Discover Elbrus: all-season mountain adventures

Discover Elbrus: all-season mountain adventures

Why is a trip to Elbrus good at any time of the year? What interesting things can you see and do on this mountain? Tips from experienced travelers.

What to do on Elbrus from November to May? Elbrus is one of the best ski resorts in the country, offering service and recreation at more affordable prices than, for example, ski resorts in Sochi. Despite lower prices, the quality of services, developed infrastructure and stunning scenery on Elbrus are not inferior to Sochi resorts.

The best time to travel for winter fun lovers is from November to May. Experienced travelers recommend the Elbrus-Azau and Cheget complexes. The latter is better suited for experienced skiers, while beginners and children will find it difficult to ski there. The training slope is located in the Azau clearing, where the Sabi Park park is located.

Riding a cable car is an unforgettable experience. This road is the highest in Russia and the second highest in Europe, reaching an altitude of 3847 meters above sea level. During the winter season, horseback riding in the mountains and visiting the Geduko thermal springs are also popular.

What to do on Elbrus in the summer season? The summer tourist season in the Elbrus region begins around mid-May and lasts until October. This is the ideal time for long walks and excursions to magnificent waterfalls and rivers, as well as climbing to the peaks of majestic mountains. There are developed walking and horseback riding routes designed for one-day hikes.

The most popular routes include the Terskol Gorge, Lake Gizhgit, Azau Waterfall, Baskan Gorge, Mount Cheget and Lake Donguz-Orun, Lake Syltran-Kel, Waterfall “Maiden’s Braids”, Valley of Stone Mushrooms, Glade of Narzans and Tsar’s Waterfalls.

Some travelers claim that people come to Elbrus not only for the mountains, but also for the delicious food. There is a deal of truth in it. There are no restaurants with Michelin stars, but there are a variety of cafes with local Caucasian cuisine, offering chanakhi, khychin, homemade cheeses and, of course, shish kebab. It is recommended to take tea sets made from local herbs, pine cone jam, lingonberries and tarragon with you.

Elbrus. A complete overview of all the slopes of the ski resort: How to get there and where to live?

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