
Folk signs for March 25: determining the weather for summer

On March 25, Orthodox Christians remember Saint Theophan. It was believed that by Feofan’s Day real spring would come and the snow would completely melt. According to folk signs, our ancestors judged the upcoming summer.

If the weather is warm and sunny on March 25, then summer will be stormy. There is frost on the trees – it will be cold and rainy in June. The snow on the anthill began to melt from the north – the summer will be warm and clear, from the south – cold.

Some folk signs can also determine the weather for the near future. It is believed that if fog spreads across the ground at night, it will soon snow. If low fog appears during the day, then the weather will be sunny, and if it rises, you should expect rain. Seeing crows walking on the ground is a sign of rapid warming.

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