
ex-ECHR judge answered in what case the moratorium on the death penalty in Russia could be lifted

“The topic has been standing for a long time”: the ex-ECHR judge answered in what case the moratorium on the death penalty in Russia could be lifted


03/25/2024 17:54

In Russia, in order to lift the moratorium on the death penalty, there is no need to change the Constitution. A judge of the European Court of Human Rights stated this to Pravda.Ru Dmitry Dedov.

“In Russia, the death penalty is not prohibited. I heard that there are some opinions that the Constitution needs to be changed for this. Nothing needs to be changed, the Constitution definitely doesn’t need to be changed. We have a moratorium by the Constitutional Court on the death penalty. And in This was mainly due to membership in the Council of Europe, by the way. And now we have left it or we have been expelled,” said the interlocutor of Pravda.Ru.

According to him, the topic of lifting the moratorium on terrorists has long been on the agenda in Russia, since terrorism is a very serious crime. But, Dedov noted, the moratorium can be lifted by decision of the Constitutional Court and Parliament.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev statedthat everyone involved in the attack on Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk must be destroyed.

On the evening of March 22, shooting occurred at Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk. At this time, a concert of the Picnic group was supposed to take place there. At least three men in camouflage and without masks burst into the hall through the stalls. They shot people at point-blank range and also threw incendiary bombs. A fire started.

According to the latest data, 133 people died. The Moscow Region Ministry of Health published a list with the names of 41 dead. More than 110 people were taken to hospitals.

Author Peter Ermilin

Petr Ermilin – journalist, editor of Pravda.Ru

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