
Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev named three signs of a woman’s lack of taste

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev named three signs of a woman’s lack of taste

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev explained what mistakes when choosing clothes make a woman’s image tasteless.

The ex-host of “Fashionable Sentence” recalled the words Coco Chanelwhich noted that complete lack of style has its limits.

Vasiliev warned women against wanting to look “expensive and rich.” Too much, he says, is an abundance of jewelry, several rings on one finger and wearing watches and bracelets at the same time.

He also did not approve of the desire to unify the color palette of the wardrobe.

“All the clothes are the same color. Is your wardrobe completely black or only pink? This will not decorate you. It is better to learn to choose clothes for yourself in one color scheme, and not in one color,” the fashion historian wrote on Instagram*.

Vasiliev calls for wearing things that fit in order to hide flaws and highlight advantages.

* social network is banned in the Russian Federation; belong to the Meta corporation, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation

Author Elena Bylkina

Elena Bylkina – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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