
From now on, Zoltán Balog is the epitome of cowardice and weakness, Viktor Orbán is terrified – according to Jobbik, they must take responsibility

According to Jobbik – Conservatives, Zoltán Balog will be a model of cowardice and weakness from now on.

Zoltán Balog also hid behind the skirts of two women! However, most of the responsibility lies not with Novák or Varga, but rather with the cowardly Balog and the hiding Orbán! Balog flees in vain

– said Jobbik in its statement sent to MTI.

According to the party, even with this, the question arises rightly: where did Viktor Orbán go?

Unusually, he hasn’t appeared on his social media page for days and hasn’t appeared on any other platform

– drew attention to Jobbik.

According to the party, the prime minister disappeared for a reason, they believe that “it is clear to everyone that all decisions in the Fidesz system are made on his desk, the ultimate political responsibility belongs to him”.

All signs indicate that Viktor Orbán is afraid. It is terrifying that the scandal that Katalin Novák and Judit Varga have already fallen into will continue until it reaches the real person responsible.

It was highlighted: Balog and Orbán must take responsibility for the disgrace known as the pardon case!

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