
five foods that can harm your cat’s health

Beware: Five Foods That Can Harm Your Cat’s Health


02/12/2024 14:38

Cats are amazingly intelligent creatures, but they can also accidentally eat something that is harmful to their health.

There are several foods that can be extremely dangerous for your pet, as experts have found.

Some people forget that cow’s milk or cream should only be present in the diet of kittens, and for adult cats it is undesirable, as it can negatively affect their health. Raw meat should also be excluded from the diet to avoid parasites.

Despite popular belief, fish is a dangerous food for cats because eating it can lead to kidney problems and deficiencies in some important nutrients. When feeding your cat boiled chicken, you need to make sure that it does not contain bones to avoid serious injury or suffocation.

By-products are beneficial for dogs and people, but can be harmful to cats, causing digestive problems after consumption.

The best option is to completely exclude human food from the animals’ diet, as this can be dangerous to their health.

Author Semyon Papinsky

Semyon Papinsky is a student at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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