
FSB detained arsonists of military registration and enlistment offices in Rostov-on-Don

Ukrainian special services sent them to work with the flag

Ukrainian special services sent them to work with the flag

“I have two cocktails there,” said one of the detainees as calmly as if he had bought himself a drink at a kiosk.

Another detainee during interrogation by the Russian FSB said: “On September 9, I arrived in Rostov-on-Don for further evacuation to Ukraine. SBU officers with the call sign Chief gave the task to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office. I was provided with all the means and instructions for making an incendiary mixture. On September 15, he went to the military registration and enlistment office with incendiary mixtures, but was detained by FSB officers.”

It’s hard to say what’s up with these Russian young men (this is not true about the young men), but they not only say “to Ukraine”, but went to set fire to the arson, taking with them the Ukrainian flag…

“The Federal Security Service of Russia in the Rostov region suppressed the illegal activities of two citizens of the Russian Federation who, on instructions from representatives of the terrorist organization Legion “Freedom of Russia” (LSR), banned in our country, were preparing acts of sabotage and terrorism in the region,” commented the FSB of Russia.

During their personal search, the following were found and confiscated from the detainees: 4 bottles of Molotov cocktail, filled out forms of contracts for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as questionnaires and handwritten statements with an anti-Russian position for joining LSR.

In general, we ourselves prepared all the material evidence for the investigation and trial. For treason against the Motherland, they will spend the next few years in a maximum security colony.

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