
gardening communities will have access to gas at no additional cost

Free additional gasification: gardening partnerships will have access to gas at no additional cost


03/25/2024 07:33

In accordance with information provided by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, gardening non-profit partnerships will be included in the free additional gasification program. The relevant documents have already been prepared by the Federal Tax Service.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his intention to expand the social gasification program to garden partnerships in his message to the Federal Assembly. Currently, this program covers villages and towns, having been operating for two years and during this time more than 1.1 million contracts for free connection to gas pipelines have been concluded. Preferential categories of citizens have the opportunity not only to lay gas communications to the boundaries of the plots, but also within them.

The social gasification program, operating in the regions, has no time limit and applies to private homes and social facilities.

According to Timur Dasaev, creative director of the Dachny Season insurance company, the expansion of the social gasification program can lead to an increase in the cost of housing in SNT, as this stimulates demand for such real estate.

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