
Gastroenterologist Kashukh recommended buckwheat tea as a good antioxidant

Buckwheat tea as an excellent antioxidant prevents cancer. How to brew it correctly

Buckwheat tea is made from the seeds of Tatarian buckwheat, a relative of the well-known buckwheat. In Russia, this perennial plant has always been fought as a weed, but in China, since ancient times, its seeds have been used to prepare buckwheat tea, which was used to treat diseases.

Expert of the Gemotest laboratory, gastroenterologist Ekaterina Kashukh told Pravda.Ru what benefits buckwheat tea has and how to brew it correctly.

Beneficial properties of buckwheat tea

Tartary buckwheat seeds contain a large amount of useful substances:

  • vitamins B1, B2 and B6, C, E,
  • magnesium,
  • potassium,
  • copper,
  • iron
  • and zinc,
  • selenium.

All of them are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Buckwheat proteins contain 18 amino acids, including essential ones, such as lysine and arginine. The human body cannot produce them on its own and receives them only from food. This plant has a high concentration of flavonoids – primarily rutin (vitamin P). It helps maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and stimulates the immune system. Tartary buckwheat seeds contain tens of times more rutin than regular buckwheat.

“Flavonoids, which include rutin, are natural antioxidants that are found in plants and have the ability to fight free radicals, reduce the risk of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions, and prevent the formation of malignant cells that can eventually form a cancerous tumor,” says Ekaterina Kashukh.

Buckwheat tea does not contain caffeine, so it does not cause stimulation of the nervous system. You can drink it at any time of the day without fear of insomnia.

Buckwheat tea: rules of consumption

Nowadays, buckwheat tea from various manufacturers is sold in tea and coffee shops and specialized departments of large supermarkets. It is golden brown granules with a rich malt aroma. To prepare the drink, it is recommended to use water at a temperature of 90-95°C. Buckwheat tea is allowed to brew for three to four minutes and then filtered. The same tea leaves can be used two or three times. Tea is served warm or cold.

“Buckwheat seeds are indeed a very healthy product and an additional source of many essential nutrients. But you need to understand that we do not eat the seeds themselves, but drink their infusion, in which the concentration of these substances is much lower, and some of the vitamins and microelements are simply destroyed under the influence of hot water and does not enter the body. Therefore, buckwheat tea should not be perceived as a panacea. It will be an excellent addition to a healthy diet, but will not replace it,” the expert notes.

Buckwheat tea Ku Qiao. Useful properties and types

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