
In Austria they want to refuse contracts with Russia, from which they make good money

In Austria they want to refuse contracts with Russia, from which they make good money


Austrian Minister for Climate Protection and the Environment, Energy, Innovation and Technology Leonor Gewessler said that this country is considering the possibility of withdrawing from gas contracts with Gazprom. She also noted the need to diversify sources natural gas to reduce dependence on supplies from Russia.

Gewessler said that the extension of the contract with Gazprom for gas supplies until 2040 was allegedly a mistake.

The minister emphasized the need to prepare the Austrian oil and gas company OMV to exit long-term contracts. She also announced the ministry’s intention to oblige Austrian companies to take specific measures to reduce the share of Russian gas in their purchases. And she promised to assess the legal basis for such demands.

Gewessler also noted insufficient implementation by energy companies its commitments to reduce dependence on Russian gas, noting that the diversification process is moving too slowly.

In addition, she said that the ministry has instructed the Austrian Institute for Economic Research Wifo to conduct a study by the summer of this year on the economic consequences of ending contracts with Gazprom and the risks associated with maintaining dependence on Russian gas.

Western media note that the proposed measures will require approval in parliament. The coalition partner of the Green Party (and this is the party Gewessler represents) is the conservative Austrian People’s Party, led by Chancellor Karl Nehammer.

However, it is unclear how actively the Conservatives were involved in the development of the proposed measures, since Gewessler did not provide any information about thisInterfax reports.

But Nehammer previously stated that buying Russian gas is “unpleasant from a moral point of view,” but it is necessary to ensure the country’s energy security.

“Our main priority is energy saving security. If it is violated, the system, production, and energy supply to people will be disrupted. First of all, we think about ensuring the security of energy supply. This is morally unpleasant, but it is reality. And it’s my duty as chancellor to do this,” said the Austrian chancellor.

It is worth noting that in addition to the security of energy supply, contracts with Russia are also extremely beneficial for Austria. In 2023, this country became an electricity exporter for the first time in 20 years. And this happened, among other things, thanks to the stable supply of Russian gas, which not only meets all the needs of Austria, but also allows you to earn additional money.

Author Oleg Artyukov

Oleg Artyukov – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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