
Hadházy: “Once again we can see a brave man hiding behind the skirt”

Ákos Hadházy shared his opinion about Zoltán Balog on his social media page.

Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák

As we reported, Zoltán Balog called together the deacons of the Reformed Church by Tuesday morning to report on the grace scandal, or, as he put it, “to discuss and respond to the attacks on the church.” Balog announced in a video message, bthey voted for him, it also turned out that he supported K. Endre getting a pardonbut he said he made a mistake and apologizes for it.

Zoltán Balog was wrong, but let Katalin Novák take the blame

Ákos Hadházy began his post shared on his social media page, according to which we can see a “brave” man again.

The Reformed bishop turned Fidesz minister did not resign from his post, and at the suddenly convened meeting, he was even given a vote of confidence. And according to Balog’s own admission, he was wrong when he supported the pardon request of the pedophile worker Endre K., but according to him, he is not responsible for that, only the president of the republic who formally made the decision. Once again we see a brave man hiding behind the skirt.

He added:

Viktor Orbán allegedly asked the reformers to resign Balog, but they did not. I don’t even know what (would have been) a greater shame. It was also a shame that he was elected on the Prime Minister’s orders, and that there was a possibility that the Prime Minister could fire him. And now the shame of giving him a vote of confidence has arisen. Of course, the biggest shame is ours, and we have to bear it until we overthrow this corrupt system.

Several news portals reported on Monday that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “also considers Zoltán Balog responsible in the pardon case”, whose “bishopric may also be in danger”. Bertalan Havas responded in a statement on Monday to the news

he called it nonsense, a newspaper duck.

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