
The government implements state policy and does not have a general government policy – Al-Youm 24

Abderrahim Al-Manar Aslimi, professor of political and international studies at Mohammed V University in Rabat, said, “The government of Aziz Akhannouch manages the general policies of the state, and does not have a special governmental public policy.”
He explained that the social support program, for example, falls within the framework of the public policies of the state and not the government.
He also pointed out during a meeting organized by the Foundation of the Jurist of Tetouan on Tuesday in Salé, on the topic of “an academic reading of government work,” that the government seems passive and does not accept criticism, and that it includes ministers with government “profiles” that Moroccans do not know.
He added, “The government has faced major crises, such as the education crisis, and this government is not aware of the changes in society after the Corona pandemic.”
He warned that Morocco faces major economic risks, represented by expected economic contraction, inflation, the water problem, and wealth disparity.

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