
Hadházy: This is a vile, dirty, dark game

In the opinion of Ákos Hadházy, “this year, too, he exposed filth among the dirty games of power, but this also brought to the end a particularly rough series of data”.

Photo: Independent Member of Parliament Ákos Hadházy speaks at the demonstration he announced in front of the MTVA headquarters in Óbuda on November 4, 2022. MTI/Koszticsák Solid

The independent politician noted that he originally requested the numbers because of “Hungarian interference in the Slovak elections”.

According to the ORFK’s answer, THE POLICE CAUGHT ONLY ONE HUMAN TRAFFICKER IN NOVEMBER in the five northern counties bordering Slovakia. While in the previous months, they managed to arrest an average of 52 offenders in the same place

Ákos Hadházy began his post.

I think I’ve exposed quite a lot of the dirty tricks of the powers that be this year, but this also brings to an end a particularly rough series of data.

he added.

After all, what is behind the numbers? What happened in November? Well, it is “only” that the Serbian police did their job, since elections were held in Serbia. Thus, it was in the interest of Orbán’s bosom friend, Vucic, that there would be no incidents in the areas close to the border before the elections. That’s why they took the people back to the refugee camps for these few weeks. However, we should have no doubt that, at the request of the Orbáns, this state of affairs will not last forever and that the migrants will soon be transported to the border on trays, so that the Fidesz propaganda will have something to work with.

According to Ákos Hadházy, the numbers sent by the ORFK perfectly justify the words of the Hungarian border guard that he published in this video.

I originally requested the numbers because of Hungarian interference in the Slovak elections. In the weeks before the elections, refugees from the direction of Hungary appeared en masse there, which certainly contributed to the victory of Fico, who copied Orbán’s propaganda

– he said.

According to the independent representative, it is quite obvious that it could not be a coincidence that migrants “magically appear” in Slovakia before the September elections

then just as quickly they disappeared from there

he added.

Ákos Hadházy emphasized that the data sent by ORFK are also telling here:

although slightly more people smugglers were caught in September than usual in the northern counties, the difference was by no means as striking as the spectacularly more refugees arriving in Slovakia. These numbers prove that Orbán delivered the migrants here to Fico as politely as Vucic delivered them to Orbán (with the exception of November).

He added:

This is a vile, dirty, dark game, where the real problem of migration is successfully used by corrupt politicians and their propaganda machine, because we leave it to them.

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