
Horror on a Wizz Air plane: blood started pouring out of a passenger, they made an emergency landing

The flight was from Budapest to Abu Dhabi.

MTVA/Commissioner: Tibor Oláh

The passengers of the Wizz Air flight from Budapest to Abu Dhabi saw a real horror scene: there were pools of blood in the washroom, on the chairs and in the corridor after a woman fell ill, the in

According to reports, the middle-aged woman suddenly became ill and at one point started bleeding. According to an eyewitness, the sight was like something out of a horror movie, and many people were just a hair away from getting shocked.

Fortunately, there were also two doctors traveling on the plane who tried to treat the passenger in trouble. The flight attendants tried to help the woman in the washroom behind the cockpit, but they could not stop the bleeding.

Finally, the captain decided to cut the trip short and make an emergency landing in Ankara. An ambulance was already waiting for the woman in the Turkish capital, and she was taken to the hospital.

The woman had recently undergone surgery, and it was probably the rupture of the surgical scar that caused her to bleed profusely. According to Wizz Air, the aircraft crew acted in accordance with protocol. After landing in Ankara, the flight continued its journey to Abu Dhabi.

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