
How facial features relate to IQ and mental abilities

Decoding appearance: how facial features are related to IQ and mental abilities


02/13/2024 19:57

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh analyzed the relationship between certain features of a person’s appearance and their level of intelligence.

A large head is often associated with increased brain size and higher intelligence, according to many experts. Although there are some exceptions, they explain this by saying that larger brains tend to have lower neuronal density, which makes them work more efficiently.

Tall height is often seen as a status symbol, which has historical basis. Tall people found it easier to attract attention and get educated, which gave them more opportunities. This is also due to genetics.

The hourglass body shape in women, with a narrow waist and curvy figure, is associated with higher IQ levels, according to experiments. This is due to the abundance of omega-3 fatty acids in the body, which have a beneficial effect on brain health.

Left-handed people, according to research, often have a larger corpus callosum, or a wider band of nerve fibers between the hemispheres, which contributes to more active processing of information. They also have a more developed right hemisphere.

Facial features often found in people with high IQ include blue eyes, a wide forehead, thin smiling lips and a sharp chin.

The shape of the nose can also indicate certain personality traits: a hump may indicate a desire for leadership, while a long, straight nose may indicate creative tendencies. A meatier, wider nose may indicate commercial talent.

Lack of symmetry, research suggests, may be associated with higher mental abilities. These features make people more adapted to new conditions and resistant to stress, although the exact mechanisms of this phenomenon are still unknown.

Author Makar Gorshenin

Makar Vadimovich Gorshenin is a student at the Moscow University of Finance and Law, a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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