
Is it possible to enlarge and strengthen a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building: where to go

Is it possible to enlarge and strengthen a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building: where to go


02/13/2024 18:37

Work to enlarge the balcony refers to changing the architectural appearance of the house, which is decided at the municipal level, explained the head of the National Center for Redevelopment and Reconstruction, Svetlana Gonenko, answering a question from a reader of RIA Real Estate.

The possibility of carrying them out can be clarified by studying the documents on the website of the local administration, or it is better (and, as a rule, easier) to personally go to an appointment with the city’s architecture department.

“But usually the order is this: a façade passport is prepared for the entire house, in which all the balconies are drawn,” said the expert.

Most likely, changes in the architectural appearance of the house will have to be coordinated with all its residents.

“It will be difficult to defend such a decision in court without the consent of the general meeting of owners,” Gonenko warned.

Previously designer advisedHow else can you make a Khrushchev apartment cozier and more comfortable to live in?

Author Sergey Kobin

Sergey Kobin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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