
Katalin Novák has officially resigned – this will be hers for the rest of her life

Katalin Novák, Fidesz vice-president turned president of the republic, has officially resigned.

His pardon decision caused unrest and confusion among many. Source: Youtube

Novák also informed the Parliament of his decision, reports a

Novák resigned on Saturday afternoon after, according to his own words, he made a clemency decision that caused unrest and confusion among many.

According to his claim, he made his decision last April in the belief that the convict – the deputy director of the children’s home in Bicske who was convicted of coercion – did not abuse the vulnerability of the children entrusted to him, but, as he said, he made a mistake.

The air around Katalin Novák began to thin out after it was revealed on February 2nd: on the occasion of last year’s papal visit, she pardoned the deputy director of the children’s home in Bicske, Endre K., who not only knew that the director of the institution had molested several children, but also made a false confession he also wrote on behalf of one of the children, which he wanted to sign in the presence of the pedophile offender. K. Endré was sentenced to prison for coercion, but was pardoned thanks to Novák.

After the outbreak of the scandal, Novák communicated that as long as his presidency lasts, there will be no pardon for pedophiles. He did not explain why the accomplice of a pedophile was still able to win his freedom.

As a former president of the republic, Novák will receive his salary as head of state for the rest of his life. This is currently HUF 4.6 million per month, but it automatically increases every year by the same amount as the increase in gross average earnings.

His predecessor, János Áder, for example, received a 720-square-meter villa in Svábhegy, which was renovated with public funds for nearly HUF 1 billion. On the other hand, Pál Schmitt, who resigned in 2012 because of his plagiarism case, did not take advantage of this opportunity, that is, he did not apply for a state residence, he arranged his own housing.

In addition, Novák is entitled to the use of a personal car for the rest of his life, the driver is provided by the police. He has a three-person secretariat and special health care – these are also benefits until his death. He will have an annual budget, which he can distribute as he likes among the organizations he likes. Last year, the former presidents of the republic could dispose of over HUF 73-73 million.

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