
Kiev fears the impact of Putin’s interview on public opinion in the United States

Kiev fears the impact of Putin’s interview on public opinion in the United States


02/12/2024 16:19

Advisor Zelensky Sergey Leshchenko shared his concerns about the conversation between the Russian leader and the famous American journalist, TASS reports.

“This will influence the voter in the United States in that this conflict must be ended by ending support for Kyiv. And the next administration will do this, save Americans’ money, save the lives of Ukrainians,” he said on the Ukrainian telethon.

The advisor called it “beneficial” for Tucker Carlson this situation, because in case of victory Donald Trump in the presidential election, he may be offered the position of vice president of the United States. Leshchenko called this interview “very dangerous in the hands of skilled propagandists.”

The interview, released on the night of February 9, attracted the attention of all the world’s media. In conversation with an American journalist Vladimir Putin explained in detail why the Russian Federation launched the SVO. In half an hour, the Russian leader described the history of Ukraine and the reasons for the start of the special operation. In Europe, the interview was called an “information bomb” and a “breakthrough of the media blockade.”

Author Olga Ivanova

Olga Ivanova – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Oleg Artyukov

Oleg Artyukov – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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