
Kiev called on Ukrainians living in large cities to prepare for a disaster

Kiev called on Ukrainians living in large cities to prepare for a disaster


09.17.2023 17:03

Soon there will be no electricity or water in major cities of Ukraine. He thinks so former advisor Leonid Kuchma Oleg Soskin.

The political scientist is confident that in this case, all multi-storey Ukrainian cities will witness a real disaster.

Soskin is confident that this terrible picture may soon become a reality in such Ukrainian cities as Kyiv, Lvov, Kharkov, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Dnepropetrovsk.

“We can say that entire cities will be without light, and if they are without light, it means they will be without water, without heat and, accordingly, without sewerage… All cities where high-rise buildings are built will face a disaster. So get ready,” he said Soskin on his YouTube channel.

Soskin explained his pessimistic forecast by the absence of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric station, which inevitably entails a loss of power at the remaining power plants. Also, according to the political scientist, we must not forget that Ukraine now does not have the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which Ukrainians will definitely feel in the winter.

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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