
Modernizing training institutes in architecture draws Al-Mansouri to parliamentary accountability – Today 24

Rachid Hamouni, head of the Progress and Socialism Team in the House of Representatives, called for modernizing and modernizing the training within the institutes and schools of development and reconstruction, the national schools of architecture, and the institutes for training technicians specialized in architecture and reconstruction.
Fatima Al-Zahraa Al-Mansouri, Minister of National Territorial Preparation, Construction, Housing and City Policy, inquired in a written question about the measures that her ministry will take to address these requirements related to training institutes and schools in the fields of architecture and urbanism and to improve their conditions.
He explained that this update is necessary “in order to qualitatively keep pace with developments and developments in these professions, and to meet the numerical needs of the specialized frameworks.”
He pointed out that the construction and architectural challenges in Morocco require increasing the capacity of the training institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Housing, and achieving justice in their territorial distribution.
In addition to renewing training programs to suit the requirements of the times, providing the necessary human resources and sufficient logistical equipment in order to train students, and strengthening cooperation and partnership relations with other universities nationally and internationally, in addition to the necessity of taking care of training conditions and receiving students.

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