
More than half of civil society organizations do not have a headquarters – Al-Youm 24

The High Commission for Planning revealed that more than half of the number of non-profit institutions (54.7 percent) do not have a headquarters to carry out their activities.

The delegation explained, in a memorandum regarding the results of the national research on non-profit institutions for the year 2019, which was completed in the years 2021/2022, that 9.2 percent of these institutions rent a headquarters, and 9.5 percent use a headquarters on their own property, While 26.6 percent of these institutions operate a headquarters that is available to them free of charge, specifically by public institutions (57.4 percent) or by one of their members (35.5 percent).

The delegation stated that despite the growth witnessed by the fabric of non-profit institutions, it is noted that working conditions are often not appropriate to carry out their activities effectively and to ensure good tracking.

She highlighted that the non-profit sector, known as civil society, has become an essential component of the country’s economic and social life through its approach to the policy of proximity to the population, and its interest in the needs and interests of citizens in various fields.

This sector includes a group of institutions aiming to achieve social, cultural, educational, charitable and community goals rather than seeking to achieve financial benefits.

This research targeted a sample consisting of 14,500 units representing the various components of this sector, distributed throughout the national territory.

To form the base for this research, the register of non-profit institutions for the year 2019 available at the Ministry of Interior was relied upon. This register includes 210,000 units.

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