
Named countries where dogs are considered higher than people: you will be surprised

Named countries where dogs are considered higher than people: you will be surprised


03/25/2024 05:43

Dogs are man’s faithful friends, and different countries treat them differently. Researching which countries love dogs the most reveals amazing cultural nuances and the relationship between humans and these animals.


The USA is perhaps one of the countries where dogs are in the spotlight. A huge number of pet dogs and a wide range of services for them testify to the love for these animals. Dog playgrounds, training, and many types of food and accessories are popular in the United States. Additionally, many animal welfare laws in the United States seek to ensure the welfare and safety of dogs.


Japan is known for its respectful treatment of animals, including dogs. In Japanese culture, dogs are often associated with loyalty and loyalty. Many Japanese people highly value breeding dogs and even participate in traditional ceremonies related to dog gods.


Germany is famous for its strict animal welfare laws, which also affects attitudes towards dogs. The country has many dog ​​parks, parks and hotels for dogs where they receive quality care. German laws also set standards for the keeping and raising of dogs.


In Italy, dogs also play a significant role. Attitudes towards dogs in this country are often associated with traditions and cultural heritage. Dogs are often welcome in restaurants and cafes, and also participate in holidays and events.

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