
Nikita Kologrivoy was “cancelled”: there will be a new casting for the role of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The showrunners of the upcoming film about Vladimir Zhirinovsky will soon begin looking for a replacement for actor Nikita Kologrivy


03/25/2024 17:16

Showrunners of the upcoming biopic about the former leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky will announce re-casting for the role of a politician. Previously he was supposed to be played Nikita Kologrivy. The portal “Regions” writes about this with reference to the words of the owner of the Grebnevo estate Andrey Kovalevon the territory of which one of the episodes was supposed to be filmed.

He said that the casting would be resumed due to the actor’s misbehavior.

“Yes, the filming of the film was planned for this year. But due to the behavior of the actor selected for the main role, the process has slowed down. A new casting will now be announced,” said Andrei Kovalev.

At the same time, he noted that playing Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a difficult task.

Andrey Kovalev also spoke about Nikita Kologriv.

“The actor has two paths: either overcome all difficulties and improve, or the downhill path will follow him,” said the owner of the estate.

Let us remind you that on the night of March 18-19, Nikita Kologrivy arranged brawl in a restaurant in Novosibirsk and bit a waitress. He was subsequently sentenced to seven days of arrest for these actions.

Author Anastasia Afonina

Anastasia Afonina – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Daria Mitina

Daria Mitina – historian, statesman, freelance correspondent and broadcaster of Pravda.Ru

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