
Why a dog barks at its reflection in the mirror: a simple explanation has finally been given

Why a dog barks at its reflection in the mirror: a simple explanation has finally been given


03/25/2024 17:31

As you get to know your dog more closely, you will discover that they are amazing creatures with their own interesting habits. For example, they can “ride” on the floor, do circles before going to bed and tilt their heads to the side, which causes tenderness and surprise in their owners.

Each of these habits has its own explanation. For example, some dogs may bark at their reflection in the mirror. This makes some people laugh, and some people… a little fright. Why do dogs behave aggressively towards their reflection?

Experts say that not all dogs quickly adapt to living conditions with humans. Many things are a mystery to them. For example, the concept of a mirror is not very clear to a dog. They just don’t realize that they are seeing their own reflection.

So they start barking at him, seeing him as a potential competitor in their territory. However, over time, the dog understands that the reflection does not have the smell characteristic of the “real” opponent. This process takes time.

Therefore, it is important to simply give the dog time. Over time, they realize that the reflection is not a threat and stop barking at it.

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