
Nóra Ördög made an important announcement in the pedophile case: “there is zero tolerance for criminals”

Nóra Ördög does not usually express an opinion on politics and public affairs.

Photo: TV2

In recent days, I have received several inquiries from various directions to speak up and take a role in the case of abused children. I am happy because I see that there is a unified position on this topic, it cannot be otherwise: there is zero tolerance for criminals. At the same time, like all public issues, this is also deeply imbued with politics, which I will stay away from until now and in the future.

We live in important days, and I wish that abused children are not just tools for political battles. Above all, I am with them, by their side

– published it Nora Ördög’s Facebook page.

Source: Facebook/OrdogNora

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