
Olympic champion Major: Russian hockey players must prepare for a return

Mayorov called on Russian hockey players to prepare for participation in world competitions


02/12/2024 19:27

Two-time Olympic champion Boris Mayorovwho celebrates his 86th birthday on February 11, expressed hope for a return Russian hockey to the international arena.

The athlete called on domestic hockey to be ready to return, expressing confidence that sooner or later Russia will again participate in the World Championships and Olympic Games.

Mayorov expressed his wishes for success to Russian hockey at all levels, from adult to junior. Despite the fact that it is currently unclear how Russian teams are prepared due to the lack of participation in official international competitions in the past two years, Mayorov emphasized that they need to prepare for a return to the international stage and be ready to confirm the strength of Russian hockey when the right time comes. moment.

Mayorov also recalled that even the National Hockey League (NHL) announced the World Cup without Russia’s participation, but he emphasized the importance of preparing for a return to the international stage and strengthening the position of Russian hockey.

“In any case, we must prepare for the fact that someday we will return. And when this happens, we must be ready to confirm the strength of our hockey,” said Mayorov, whose words leads Gazeta.Ru.

In conclusion, Mayorov expressed his confidence in Russian hockey’s ability to once again become strong and compete at the international level when competitions resume after the break.

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