
Opposition wingman – Anna Donáth first lied to the Gyurcsánys, then conspired with them

After the harsh words, it is strange to say the least that the DK-Momentum axis is coming together in more and more places in the June elections.

Anna Donáth, EP representative of Momentum, was able to ride a bit of a whirlwind. In his open letter, he sharply criticized the Democratic Coalition, in fact, he directly believed that the party represents a culture of lies, which is a serious obstacle to the change of government, he wrote

Momentum acts contrary to Anna Donáth’s opinion/Photo: MTI/Attila Kovács

According to him, Ferenc Gyurcsány, as Prime Minister of Hungary, premeditated and consciously lied in order to keep the whole country powerful. After winning the elections, when it turned out that the house was on fire and austerity was followed by austerity to avoid bankruptcy, he did not take responsibility for his actions.

“Such lies are rarely forgiven by voters”

– he stated. According to him, the DK is the most rejected party among the opposition voters, their president has never acknowledged his responsibility for bringing the Hungarian economy to the brink of bankruptcy.

After the harsh words, it is strange to say the least that the DK and Momentum seem to be joining forces in several places in the June elections. When DK announced that it was supporting the mayor candidate Gergely Karácsony, Momentum also immediately stood behind the politician. Since then, the two parties have agreed to nominate a joint candidate in several capital districts and rural towns.

Most recently, in Zalaegerszeg, Csaba Keresztes, the DK electoral district president, announced that the two parties will enter into an alliance for the June election.

Milán Ruzsics, the Zala county president of the Momentum Movement, indicated that, looking back over a longer period of time, very good cooperation has developed with the DK, which is the basis of their current joint politicking. Cooperation was also born in Nyíregyháza, Kaposvár, Eger, Debrecen, Szolnok, Budapest in the XII. district Kőbánya, Újpest, Pesterzsébet, district V, Csepel and Soroksár as well.

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