
planned price increase of 5-20%

Vacations at Russian resorts: planned price increase by 5-20%

The cost of vacations at Russian resorts is planned to increase by 5-20%, especially in the Krasnodar region, as reports Oksana Bulakh, commercial director of the national tour operator “Alean”, in a conversation with URA. RU.

Bulakh notes that prices for tours to various destinations in Russia as a whole will increase by 10% or more by summer. She indicates that the average increase in prices for tours to the Krasnodar region will be from 5 to 20%, depending on the specific object.

The expert warns that the cost of travel packages may continue to rise as the summer season approaches. She advises tourists to consider purchasing a tour in advance, as many hotels use dynamic pricing and prices will increase as the high season approaches.

Oksana Bulakh also notes that there is potential for savings if travelers get a deal on a tour soon. She points to early booking promotions for the summer that are still available for some hotels on the Black Sea, and notes an increase in interest in this option this year, especially in relation to the Krasnodar region.

As for foreign destinations, according to ATOR Vice President and General Director of tour operator Space Travel Arthur Muradyan, holidays in the United Arab Emirates and Sri Lanka could become 10-15% cheaper compared to last year. However, Turkey and Egypt do not plan to reduce prices, and already now a vacation in these countries will cost no less than 150 thousand rubles per week.

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