
Rain revives the dams’ capacity with an additional 273 million cubic meters in 72 hours, and the filling rate reaches 24.5%.

The good rains that most regions of Morocco witnessed during the past three days have revived the dams, with a total increase of 7.4 percent during the past 72 hours.

The capacity of the Kingdom’s dams on Monday morning, according to official data from the Ministry of Equipment and Water, reached 3,957.3 million cubic meters, with a filling rate of 24.55 percent.

The capacity of the Kingdom’s dams rose by about 273 million cubic metres, by 7.4 percent within 72 hours, and moved from about 3684.5 million cubic meters last Friday morning to about 3957.26 million cubic meters on Monday morning.

The total filling rate of the Kingdom’s dams rose to 24.55 percent, compared to 22.85 percent last Friday, while the filling level of Morocco’s dams is still below the level of the same period last year, when the volume of the injection on February 12, 2023 reached about 5,137.5 million cubic meters, with a filling rate of 31.9 percent.

Digital data for the filling rates of 62 dams in various regions of the Kingdom, as of Monday, show that 7 dams have filling rates that do not exceed 10 percent, and the matter concerns the Al-Masirah Dam with a filling rate of only 1.5 percent, then the Ahmed Al-Hansali Dam with a filling rate of 5.1 percent. While the filling rate of the Bine El Ouidane Dam did not exceed 7.4 percent, followed by the Abdel Moumen Dam with a filling rate of 7.5, then the Imfut Dam with a filling rate of 9.5 percent, followed by the Juma Dam with a filling rate of 9.8 percent.

On the other hand, the data available until Monday morning indicate that the largest reservoir is located in Al-Wahda Dam, with a total of 1.414 billion cubic meters of water and a filling rate of 40.2 percent, compared to a filling rate of 58.2 percent during the same period last year. This comes in The Wadi Al-Makhzen Dam came in second place with an injection amounting to 402.3 million cubic meters of water, then the Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah Dam with a total of 214 million cubic meters of water.

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