
recommendations from a nutritionist on which foods to include in the diet and which to exclude

How to support yourself during stress: recommendations from a nutritionist on which foods to include in your diet and which to exclude


03/25/2024 18:27

During times of stress, we often react with extremes: we either consume negative emotions by turning to food, or loss of appetite leads to rapid weight loss. But it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself during times of stress includes not only maintaining mental health, but also making the right food choices in your diet. Nutritionist Yulia Veremeeva shared recommendations on which foods help reduce anxiety and which, on the contrary, can increase it.

The basic principles of a healthy lifestyle include eating well without excessive snacking, drinking enough water, staying active during the day, and getting at least 8 hours of sleep.

To stay calm and alert during times of stress, your diet should include foods rich in magnesium, B vitamins and D3. Magnesium can be obtained from sesame seeds, nuts (cashews, almonds), and buckwheat. B vitamins are found in meat, chicken, eggs and whole grain cereals. For vitamin D3, fatty fish, cod liver and yolk will be useful. If you feel tired, it is better to choose dark chocolate or fruits such as bananas, as well as green tea instead of coffee.

During times of stress, you should avoid foods that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Eliminate flour products, sweets, juices and overly sweet fruits from your diet. It is also recommended to limit your alcohol consumption so as not to worsen the situation and cause depression.

It is important to remember that awareness helps to cope with stress when we accept the situation without assessments and judgments. This requires work on yourself and training your brain. In addition to correcting nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, focusing, breathing practices, meditation, sports and positive entertainment also help overcome stress.

ANTI-STRESS PRODUCTS / Kovalkov / nutritionist Kovalkov / how to deal with stress / stress /

Author Angelina Efremova

Angelina Efremova – freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru, student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

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