
Russian drivers spend huge sums on their cars! Here’s how to save

Russian drivers spend huge sums on their cars! Here’s how to save


02/13/2024 04:45

According to a study by SberMarket and SberAuto, the average Russian car owner spends about 108 thousand rubles a year on maintaining his vehicle, with more than half of this amount spent on gasoline costs.

Experts outlined ways to reduce these costs, including switching to diesel engines, using natural gas equipment, choosing cheaper gasoline, changing insurance, and getting repairs done at regular service stations instead of dealerships.

They also emphasized the importance of clarifying the terms of the factory warranty in advance to resolve problematic situations.

Author Daniil Polonikov

Daniil Sergeevich Polonikov (December 19, 2003, Ivanovo) – student at the Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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